package com.willis.heimdall
import org.joda.time.DateTime
import spock.lang.Shared
import spock.lang.Specification
* Integration tests for the Booking model
* @author Sion Williams
class BookingIntegSpec extends Specification {
@Shared def today = new DateTime()
@Shared def todayPlusWeek = today.plusWeeks(1)
def 'test saving a booking to the db'() {
given: 'a new booking booking'
def booking = new Booking(name: 'my booking',
startTime: today.toDate(),
endTime: todayPlusWeek.toDate())
when: 'the booking is saved'
then: 'it can be successfully found in the database'
booking.errors.errorCount == 0 != null
Booking.get( == 'my booking'
Booking.get( == today.toDate()
Booking.get( == todayPlusWeek.toDate()